Friday, March 25

Cool Beans!

Well I have found a good reason to dust off ye olde "The Lunch Bus" blog, saving money! Living Social has a good coupon for Cool Water Cafe. The deal is cool, I think they serve Red Beans, but those are hot, but Cool Beans is just a better title. Its a buy a $20 coupon for $10 so you may just want to partner up with somebody. One person buys lunch today, then we can go sometime next week and the other person can buy then.

To Recap:
* Use the link below and buy a coupon or two this morning.
* We will head to Cool Water for Lunch today.
* Since a single lunch is typically less than $20 at Cool Water we will return next week as well.

Get Coupon Here

Monday, January 10

Trace Grill

Hitting store to get new wiper blade, then gonna head to Trace Grill for lunch.

Monday, January 3

New Year's Resolutions

Well this year's Resolution is to lose weight to fit into the new larger size clothes I got for Christmas. That means the Lunch Bus destinations will be a bit different. I am going to track my progress on daily burn, where you can join me. My account on there is Mootruck98.

Anyways first Healthy stop for the Lunch Bus will be "Great Harvest Bread Company".

On a side note the Lunch Bus is getting an oil change and tire rotation, so the Lunch Taxi will be picking me (and up to 2 lucky riders) up shortly.