Wednesday, April 7

Bribes Accepted

Today's Lunch Bus destination is brought to you via a "Luncher's"* suggestion. We will be headed to the infamous Killing Fields, Kyoto's. Lunch Bus destination suggestions are always accepted, as are bribes which will significantly help your suggestions chances at being picked.

* What term do you think is best for describing those that participate on the Lunch Bus journeys? Lunchers, Bussers, Kyle's minion's, help me out here and throw out some ideas.


  1. Onward to Lunch Lemmings! - Like the ring of it.

    Onward to Lunch "The Hungry" - As some context grammatical issues, but I like the idea.

    Onward to Lunch Beefers! - Like the sound, but James may not like it.

    Keep em coming, but now time to eat.

  2. A few other idea's let me know what you think.

    Lunch Bus Riders (LB Riders for short) - plain and simple

    Locusts - eating everything in sight


    Big Belly Boys

    Just brainstorming, continue on, talk amongst yourselves, but post here.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm thinking the Lunburgs. You know, like in Office Space. LUNchBUsReGularS
