Wednesday, December 8
Friday, December 3
Christmas Shopping
Headed to the mall food court for lunch, with a built in 30 minute shopping period. If you aren't back at the truck when I say so have fun walking.
Wednesday, November 24
Roast Beef Goodness
Once again I am thinking ahead to Thanksgiving. I want to save my turkey craving so the Lunch Bus will be headed to Arby's for Lunch today for some roast beef goodness. Also will be making a quick detour on way back. Certainly has nothing to do with buying the wife a Christmas present.
Tuesday, November 23
Its that time of year to load up on Pork and Beef product before the Poultry feast. Load up on the bus for some BBQ.
Monday, November 22
Thursday, November 18
Wednesday, November 17
I'm Not Hungry But When Has That Ever Stopped Me.
Well, I'm not all that hungry due to the Thanksgiving Breakfast provided here at work, but why would some little detail like that Stop the Lunch Bus. Heading to Georgia Blue for lunch today. A little southern taste for Kevin while he is in town.
Friday, November 12
Thursday, November 11
Prodigal Son
The prodigal son returns! Moses is blessing The Lunch Bus with his presence, and has requested we go to Little Tokyo.
Wednesday, November 10
Tuesday, November 9
Monday, November 8
Happy Birthday Barb!
Yes it is my lovely wife's birthday today! So in her honor we are going to lunch at Primo's so we can pick up her Birthday Cake for tonight. FYI, the Blue Plate for today is Country Fried Steak or Pecan Chicken.
Friday, November 5
Well time to grab some food, for us and our Best Friends. So we will head to Olive Garden, then hit PETSMART on the way out.
Thursday, November 4
Let them eat Rice!
I want some Fried Rice Dammit! I've been slipping Kyoto's into the list of lunch choices for two weeks when picking lunch, and have yet to get a bite. Well dammit, I'm putting my foot down and am going to Kyoto's. So load up and let's go.
Tuesday, November 2
Go Vote!
I am going to vote today for lunch. If you want to sit in the Bus while I vote, then go to whatever fast food place I hit on the way back you are welcome to join me. But seriously yo need to go vote yourself if you have not done so yet.
Friday, October 29
Going to Abner's for some Chicken Tenders. This will be followed by a trip to Radio Shack on the way back so I can get a Ground Loop Isolator so I can install Barb's birthday present this weekend.
Thursday, October 28
Wednesday, October 27
Tuesday, October 26
Monday, October 25
Keifer's Update
The wife's meeting got done with early, so the Lunch Bus will be leaving at 11ish as usual. The Keifer's destination is still correct though.
Friday, October 15
Wednesday, October 13
Tuesday, October 12
Monday, October 11
Friday, October 8
Headed to the Fair
The Lunch bus is Headed to the Fair for lunch. You don't have to overdo it today though, because I am fairly certain the Lunch Bus will return to the fair next week sometime.
Thursday, October 7
The Fair is in Town
Just a reminder that the Fair is in town. There is a good chance the Lunch Bus heads there tomorrow for a nice Friday Lunch of Fried everything, and a biscuit. Be prepared (aka bring your antacid of choice).
Wednesday, October 6
Monday, October 4
Georgia Blue
Lunch Bus headed to Georgia Blue for Lunch today.
Blue plate for today:
Country fried Steak or Chicken & Dumplings
let's go.
Blue plate for today:
Country fried Steak or Chicken & Dumplings
let's go.
Friday, October 1
Madden Smack Talk
Andrew is making a rare appearance on the Lunch Bus today so we can talk smack to each other about our upcoming Madden matchup online. He has picked Blue Moon Cafe for our destination.
Loading up, and away we go.
Loading up, and away we go.
Thursday, September 30
Josh's Addiction
It is that time of week again to enable Josh's addiction to Soul Shine Pizza as he tries to work through the entire menu of pizzas.
Load up.
Load up.
Wednesday, September 29
Hal's Pick
Hal has been whining about the Lunch Bus Picks the past couple of days so now it is his turn to pick. And the winner is: Burgers & Blues
Load up
Load up
Tuesday, September 28
Another Taco Tuesday
I'm hungry, Josh is broke, and everyone loves queso. What does that mean, it means the Lunch Bus is going to Cazadores of course.
Mount up!
Mount up!
Monday, September 27
Friday, September 24
Farewell To Duke
First of all, props to Cliff for the Georgia Blue suggestion, it was very tasty. Today is Duke's last Lunch Bus chance for a while and he as picked Hamil's for the destination.
Load Up!
Load Up!
Thursday, September 23
If its Bad, Blame Cliff!
So Cliff has been ranting and raving about how good this new place in Madison is. A new restaurant plus a good review it is the duty of the Lunch Bus to go try this place out. So what is this place you ask, it is Georgia Blue. It looks promising, but the proof is in the Blue Plate Special. It is worth a try then we will see if it gets a permanent spot on the Lunch Bus route.
Rounding up soon, Leaving 11:15.
Rounding up soon, Leaving 11:15.
Wednesday, September 22
Time for Pizza, heading to Soul Shine. Mark your calendars we will go try the new Georgia Blue place in Madison tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 21
Wednesday, September 15
I have been Sequestered for the purposes of meetings. There will not be a Lunch Bus running today and likely not for the rest of the week. So basically you are on your own.
Monday, September 13
A Monday Night Party!
Brees Photo Source
WingStop Photo Source
Thursday, September 9
Wednesday, September 8
Tuesday, September 7
The Return of Taco Tuesday
It has been way to long since the Lunch Bus has gone Mexican. Yo quiero Queso!
Friday, September 3
Anybody Out There
Lunch Bus is about to head out, not sure where it is headed yet. Does anybody care, is anybody reading this?
Thursday, September 2
Wednesday, September 1
Tuesday, August 31
You're on your own.
I'll be in a meeting all day and I don't know if/when/how long it will break for lunch, so don't wait on me. Do your thing and I'll catch up with ya'll tomorrow.
Monday, August 30
Something to be Topped with Chili
The wife is cooking Chili tonight, so I need a lunch that will play nice with that. With that said the Lunch Bus is headed to Cool Water Cafe. Its that place on Lake Harbor that used to be a Western Sizzlin.
Friday, August 27
Wednesday, August 25
Find a Buddy
Duke was nice enough to forward the following Lone Star promotion to me and I though it would make a good pick for a Thursday Lunch so plan accordingly. Pick a Lunch Bus Buddy and start deciding which appetizer you want.

If you are the odd man out without a Lunch Bus Buddy you are free to select from the full menu which can be found on their website.
**edit And by Friday I meant Tomorrow aka Thursday.

If you are the odd man out without a Lunch Bus Buddy you are free to select from the full menu which can be found on their website.
**edit And by Friday I meant Tomorrow aka Thursday.
Soul Shine
Imagine a witty and insightful post here. Then get your butt to the Lunch Bus because it is leaving for Soul Shine.
Tuesday, August 24
Monday, August 23
I Know Where My Bread is Buttered
And it is apparently at Trace Grill, because that is where the wife told me she wants to go for lunch today. I'm not stupid and don't have a death wish so the Lunch Bus will head to Trace Grill for lunch today. Load up!
Friday, August 20
Thursday, August 19
Indian Intervention
I understand some of you are addicted to Indian food. It is OK, The Lunch Bus is here to help. No matter what your excuse whether it be you were raised on Indian food or if it just seems new and exciting you can say no to the Indian Express. The Lunch Bus will support you in this act by providing a great alternative to eat at. That is right you must replace your Indian crack with something wholesome. In this case I suggest the Shrimp & Grits at Crab's Seafood Shack. Even urban spoon agrees that Crab's 95% is better than Spice Ave.'s 83%.
Tuesday, August 17
Burger Time
Nope not the Fast Food chain in the south west, but the metaphorical time too go get a Burger at Burgers & Blues. Load up in the Lunch Bus.
Monday, August 16
Friday, August 13
Duke of Lunch
Lunch Bus Royalty shall be joining us for Lunch today so plan accordingly. Duke of the Lunch Bus has requested Kyoto's for lunch today. We shall plan on trying to leave shortly after 11 so there is plenty of time for the Duke to make his flight out of Jackson.
Thursday, August 12
They Joys of Training Class
First let me begin with an apology for not posting yesterday's lunch. I have been in a training class and the alternate schedule messed me up. For the record we went to Frisco Deli. It was quick and easy for the large group from class.
One of the pluses to Training Class is that Hong and Duke are in town, so I will make them pick. It sounds like a molcajete has been requested so we will be headed to Cazadores. So those trapped at the office can meet us there. We are not leaving just yet, we have to finish up our exercises just want to give a heads up. Keep an eye on this post and I'll let you know when we head out in the comments.
One of the pluses to Training Class is that Hong and Duke are in town, so I will make them pick. It sounds like a molcajete has been requested so we will be headed to Cazadores. So those trapped at the office can meet us there. We are not leaving just yet, we have to finish up our exercises just want to give a heads up. Keep an eye on this post and I'll let you know when we head out in the comments.
Tuesday, August 10
It is Football Season
It is a wonderful time of year. Summer Camps are in full swing, preseason games are wetting our appetites, draft boards are being constructed, and the new Madden is out! That is right Madden 11 is now available. Andrew is starting a franchise league this year so go buy you a copy, practice up for a couple of weeks, then we will get it started in a couple weeks. We are doing the league via XBox Live so you do need the XBox 360 version to join us. Duke, Mike L. this is an online thing so you can join too, none of this oh I'm in another state excuses.
Also we need to discuss Fantasy Football. Anybody want to volunteer to be the commish? Any preference on what site we use(yahoo, espn, nfl, etc...)?
What does all of this have to do with Lunch, well I will be headed to Best Buy at Lunch to pick up my copy of Madden 11 after Lunch at Chick-fil-A. Also those interested in Fantasy football we can start discussing options at lunch. Those remote folks please post comments on this thread we will add details as the become available.
Also we need to discuss Fantasy Football. Anybody want to volunteer to be the commish? Any preference on what site we use(yahoo, espn, nfl, etc...)?
What does all of this have to do with Lunch, well I will be headed to Best Buy at Lunch to pick up my copy of Madden 11 after Lunch at Chick-fil-A. Also those interested in Fantasy football we can start discussing options at lunch. Those remote folks please post comments on this thread we will add details as the become available.
Monday, August 9
Ladies Day Out
A rarity on the Lunch Bus, it sounds like we will have not 1, but 2 wives (Mine and Andrew's) joining us today for Lunch at Cazadores. So be on your best behavior and keep the potty humor to a minimum. Feel free to invite your wife if she is in the nearby area. The Lunch Bus will Leave at 11:15.
Friday, August 6
Victor's Pick
Victor is gracing us with his presence today on The Lunch Bus so I am letting him pick. He has picked Burger's and Blues. So load up and let's go.
Thursday, August 5
Dairy Queen Miracle Treat Day
Don't forget to go buy a Blizzard today to help a good cause. The Lunch Bus did this on the way back from Kyoto's and I must say it is a win-win situation.
$1 or more from every Blizzard® treat sale on Miracle Treat Day, August 5, 2010 will help sick and injured children in your local Children's Miracle Network Hospital.
Family Affair
Today The Lunch Bus will be headed to Kyoto's. Andrew's wife and child will be meeting us there. You know a kid at the table means a better show to go with dinner. So finish up what you are doing and get ready to board The Lunch Bus.
**edit** I lied they are not really coming, it was just a plot to get more Lunch Bus Riders.
**edit** I lied they are not really coming, it was just a plot to get more Lunch Bus Riders.
Wednesday, August 4
Take Out Day
Sounds like an Indian Express is running today, so the numbers are depleted. Think I'll keep it simple and do a run for Take Out. I'm calling Kam Loon to place my order at 11:00. There is also a Subway, Wing Stop, Pappa Johns, and Grocery Store in the same shopping center if you want to join in for the ride. It'll be a basic grab and go, all are welcome. But I will be leaving shortly after I call my order in so my food doesn't get cold.
Tuesday, August 3
Lunch Taxi, Errands, and Chicken
I have the Lunch Taxi today so that I can go get an inspection sticker, also need to hit the ATM. Other than that I am headed to Raisin Cane's for lunch. Guess I will do ATM, then Lunch, then inspection sticker afterward.
Monday, August 2
Pizza is Good for the Soul
The Lunch Bus will be headed to Soul Shine Pizza Factory in Madison today for lunch.
Friday, July 30
Thursday, July 29
Wednesday, July 28
By Popular Demand
The Lunch Bus will be headed to Little Tokyo today for lunch. And by Popular Demand I mean Moses requested it, and nobody else said anything as usual.
Now boarding, so we can beat the rush. Certainty isn't because I skipped breakfast and am hungry.
Now boarding, so we can beat the rush. Certainty isn't because I skipped breakfast and am hungry.
Tuesday, July 27
Five Guys for Five Guys
Come on, I challenge you to fill the Bus to meet the 5 guys for 5 guys challenge. As a reward you get to meet my Mom who is on town at which point she can tell you embarrassing stories about me.
Monday, July 26
Another Mexican Monday
Why mess with Success. We'll see you you at Cazadores, hop aboard if your coming.
Friday, July 23
A Collaboration
Cliff suggested catfish, Greg mention Frisco Deli. Frisco Deli has catfish amongst other stuff, so we have a winner.
All aboard for Frisco Deli.
All aboard for Frisco Deli.
Thursday, July 22
I've been eating sandwiches for three days straight. It's time for China Moon (my Kam Loon replacement).
Wednesday, July 21
Wanna Getaway Wednesday
It is hump day and the life of the week is getting dull, so we need to add a little soul to the week. Thus, the Lunch Bus will be headed to SoulShine for lunch today.
Now boarding.
Now boarding.
Tuesday, July 20
Monday, July 19
A Toast to the Nittany Lions!
Well it sounds as if Kevin can not stand the heat and humidity of Mississippi and is returning to Pennsylvania. In his honor The Lunch Bus will make a historic treaty with the Indian Express for a caravan to Spice Ave. Here we shall toast Penn State's victory over LSU in its last bowl game with some ice-less water. Yes, I'm an SEC supporter, but just do not like LSU at all!
The caravan will start boarding shortly after 11:00 am tomorrow (Tue. 07-20-10).
Photo Source
Newk's, its like a Newt, but with a K. Except it isn't a lizard and doesn't sell insurance, but has tasty pizza and sandwiches. Sounds like a Lunch Bus stop to me.
Now Boarding.
Now Boarding.
Friday, July 16
Thursday, July 15
Eat more Chicken!
The cow brain washing has gotten to me, so the Lunch Bus will be headed to Chick-fil-A on County Line. For those interested I think Josh is going to Spice Ave.
Wednesday, July 14
Out of Service Today
I have some errands to run today, so the Lunch Bus will be out of service today. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Tuesday, July 13
Frisco Deli, the Indian Alternative
I hear the Indian Express is hitting Spice Ave if anyone is interested. For the rest of us Frisco Deli sounds like a good idea. We are waiting for Joey to finish his meeting then we'll head out.
Monday, July 12
Friday, July 9
Thursday, July 8
Tuesday, July 6
Friday, July 2
Thursday, July 1
I'm back and I'm Fat!
We'll since at least half my trip was spent eating, I thinking a lunch on the lighter side might be a good idea. So the Lunch Bus will be headed to Cool Water Cafe. The wife has the Lunch Bus, but once she shows up we will head out.
Monday, June 28
How 'bout some gravy for them there fries, hey?

Did you miss me? Are you withering away without a Lunch Bus driver, or have you just gone Indian for an entire week? Here is a little tidbit for ya'll to hold you over for a couple more days.
Well, my first culinary impression of Canada is a good one. After getting off the ship and checking into the Hotel here in Vancouver, we went searching for some lunch. We finally find the White Spot in downtown Vancouver. I order a relatively safe BC Chicken Sandwich (Chicken, bacon, cheese, and special sauce) with fries. Instantly the waitress asks if I would like gravy with my fries! Hell Yea! I'm liking this Canada place. These Canucks are at least somewhat on the same wavelength as me. The meal was great. Washing it down with a local lager followed by a local pale ale helped a little too. Beer, Bears, and gravy, Oh Canada!
Friday, June 18
Off Duty
Going home to eat with the wife. I think see is trying to use up all the perishable food before our trip. Good chance I'll come back with Fresh tomatoes to share this afternoon.
Thursday, June 17
Primo's - Blue is the color of the day.
Can't pass up my final opportunity to do Primo's considering that's where I was when I found out I was having a boy.
An additional crew will be headed to Blue Moon for super-duper-sandwiches.
An additional crew will be headed to Blue Moon for super-duper-sandwiches.
Wednesday, June 16
Hamil's - You Will Be Missed
Today... we go to Hamil's. I will dearly miss the glorious buffet where even vegan meals are cooked in bacon. Load up for a plate of veggies stacked with fried chicken and bbq followed up with beautiful soft serve and nanner puddin' and a glass of sweet tea.
Tuesday, June 15
MLONF Farewell Tour
This looks to be Mike's last trip to Jackson for the foreseeable future. With that in mind we have a few after work events planned. Please plan accordingly.
Tonight (6-15):
Trivia Night at Sportsman's Lodge
Tomorrow (6-16):
Bourbon Game Night at my place. Drinking, Video, Card, and or Board Games and the hilarity that ensues. Contact me for directions if you need em.
Finale (6-17):
Possible Golf outing of some type, still TBD.
Tonight (6-15):
Trivia Night at Sportsman's Lodge
Tomorrow (6-16):
Bourbon Game Night at my place. Drinking, Video, Card, and or Board Games and the hilarity that ensues. Contact me for directions if you need em.
Finale (6-17):
Possible Golf outing of some type, still TBD.
PigSkin BBQ
I'm not being creative because we're short on time. BBQ today for speed's sake. Probably gonna go Hamil's tomorrow.
Monday, June 14
A Return to Normalcy
Well after a week where the Lunch Bus did not go Mexican, we must return to normalcy. So to Cazadores for Lunch we go today, and remember Viva la Queso!
Friday, June 11
Droid Rules, iPhone Drools!
Well, you iPhone users probably can't read this because your AT&T service is down right now. I would like to take this time to Brag about my Cellular South Droid that is working just fine.
Now to more important things. Lunch will be at Applebee's on Lake Harbor.
Now to more important things. Lunch will be at Applebee's on Lake Harbor.
Thursday, June 10
The Prodigal Son has Returned!
Yes, it is true, Andrew has chosen to bless us with his presence today. Load up so we can beat the herd to the feeding trough (That would be Mama Hamil's today).
Wednesday, June 9
Its a Bright Sunny Day
I want some Pizza and don't care what ya'll think, so there! Anyways if you want to head to SoulShine for lunch today, load up in the Lunch Bus, you know the drill.
Tuesday, June 8
Made for Each Other
It dawned on me that Five Guy's and The Lunch Bus are made for each other. Not just because of the quality, quick, and good tasting food, but because of the name. Five Guys that is exactly why the Lunch Bus is the Lunch Bus, because it can haul 5 guys to and from Lunch comfortably. So today I would like to Honor Five Guy's by bringing 5 guys to lunch. Load up!
For those more adventurous eaters, the Indian Express will be running today.
For those more adventurous eaters, the Indian Express will be running today.
Monday, June 7
Spice it up!
Chik-fil-A has finally released a Spicy Chicken sandwich. I feel it is the duty of the Lunch Bus to go try this thing out. It has been overly hyped and frankly way too long of a wait for a Chicken Sandwich place to figure this one out, but I will same my judgment for later.
For those that can't wait a review is available here.
The Lunch Bus will be Headed to the County Line location to try this new item out.
Also don't forget to check out the Lunch Bus Tour page. Just a simple list of places we've been. Let m know what I've left off. Still deciding on format, should I catagorize or order by last visit, etc? Let me know your suggestions.
For those that can't wait a review is available here.
The Lunch Bus will be Headed to the County Line location to try this new item out.
Also don't forget to check out the Lunch Bus Tour page. Just a simple list of places we've been. Let m know what I've left off. Still deciding on format, should I catagorize or order by last visit, etc? Let me know your suggestions.
Friday, June 4
Belated Birthday

Greg, our fearless web leader ran from, but could not hide from the Lunch Bus. His Birthday was yesterday and we missed it, so we'll celebrate today. Since he did not have a preference we will try something new, Cool Water Cafe. It is where the Western Sizlin' was on Lake Harbor.
I have no idea what to expect other than "cafe" type stuff maybe a deli-ish place. Either way, Load up!
Thursday, June 3
Back By Popular Demand!
Per request, even though I was already leaning that way(small world), The Lunch Bus will be headed to Kyoto's for lunch today. Mmmmm I can almost taste the fried rice now.
Wednesday, June 2
Tuesday, June 1
Taco Tuesday
Well, I'm burnt out on Pork and Chicken from the Holiday weekend, Josh says he's had nothing but hamburgers for three days, so we need something not so grill related for Lunch today. So Mexican it is. El Cazadores of course go Queso!
P.S. I am craving a burger, so plan on a burger joint for tomorrow. Taking suggestions, trace grill, five guys, burgers & Blues, ...?
P.S. I am craving a burger, so plan on a burger joint for tomorrow. Taking suggestions, trace grill, five guys, burgers & Blues, ...?
Friday, May 28
Wednesday, May 26
Quickie Lunch!
Don't get too excited, you have to go home for that. Anyways gonna go by Krystal's for a quick lunch. All aboard.
Tuesday, May 25
Monday, May 24
Friday, May 21
Double Dip
Well I know we already did Hibachi this week, but that was way back on Tuesday. Besides Barb gets to come to lunch with us today and she doesn't get many Hibachi Lunch opportunities, so we shall Double Dip on Hibachi this week and hit Kyoto's.
Thursday, May 20
Annivesary Special
My Wife and I are celebrating our 4th Wedding Anniversary today. She will be picking me up (Yes the Lunch Bus is in the shop) and we are headed to Kiefer's for Lunch. You are all welcome to join us, but space in the Lunch Taxi is limited, so you may have to find your own ride.
Wednesday, May 19
Super Secret Errand
The Lunch Bus is going to Trace Grill for Lunch, but has a Super Secret errand to run afterward. It won't take long, but figured I would give fair notice if you did not want to wait on my errand.
Tuesday, May 18
Hibachi with a Twist.
Time to add Hibachi back on the Lunch Bus Menu. To mix it up a bit we are going to go to Little Tokyo this time though. Rounding up and Boarding now beginning.
Monday, May 17
Friday, May 14
A Shiney Day Full of Soul
The Lunch Bus will be headed to Soul Shine today. I hear the Indian Express is also running today.
Thursday, May 13
Request For BBQ
We have a request for BBQ today for Lunch which sounds good to me. I'm leaning Pigskin. Let me know what you think, other wise plan for the Lunch Bus to Head to Pigskin shortly after 11.
Wednesday, May 12
Tuesday, May 11
What are you Chicken?
I can't ever seem to get lunch suggestions, so I assume you all are chicken. Then using the "You are what you eat" theory I think we need to go to Raisin Cane's for lunch.
FYI, The Lunch Bus will be returning with an additional stop at the Goodyear tire place on Hwy 51 to get an inspection sticker.
FYI, The Lunch Bus will be returning with an additional stop at the Goodyear tire place on Hwy 51 to get an inspection sticker.
Monday, May 10
Lunch Bus is Out of Order
Unfortunately The Lunch Bus is Out of Order as it is getting its Windshield replaced. Taking volunteers to transport the troops today. I'm thinking Lone Star, but open to other ideas.
Friday, May 7
Thursday, May 6
Jason's Deli
The Lunch Bus is going to Jason's Deli today. The Indian Express already ran this week so you have no excuse. Load up!
Wednesday, May 5
Happy Cinco De Mayo
Yes, today is the day set aside to celebrate the independence of Mexico. Surely this is a time honored tradition for all Americans, because what other excuse do we have to go out and drink Margaritas with reckless abandonment. Anyways I will leave the celebration to everyone for supper and will not make you eat Mexican twice in one day.
Well Independence is an American thing too, so how about a burger, not much more American than that (Yes I know its comes from Germany but so do a lot of Americans), so the Lunch Bus will be headed to Burgers & Blues.
I may have steered you wrong. Per my reliable internet source( apparently Cinco De Mayo isn't an independence day, but I was correct that it is an American Excuse to drink green alcoholic drinks.
Cinco de Mayo celebrates the day Mexico won an improbably victory against French armies in 1862 (it's NOT Mexican Independence Day). Ironically, it's not that big a deal in Mexico, but has become more of an American holiday.
Tuesday, May 4
Monday, May 3
Its Monday and Duke is Here, Guess Where We're Going.
It's Monday.
Duke is in town.
Do you really need any other clues as to where the Lunch Bus is going. I didn't think so.
Vamanos al Cazadores mi amigos!
Duke is in town.
Do you really need any other clues as to where the Lunch Bus is going. I didn't think so.
Vamanos al Cazadores mi amigos!
Friday, April 30
Burgers & Blues
Gonna try a new place today. Its supposedly is run by the same folks that runs Stamps/Cool Al's so it should be a great burger.
Its over by that Chinese restaurant off of Centre St.
Its over by that Chinese restaurant off of Centre St.
Thursday, April 29
Billy Ray has nothing on Duke
Wednesday, April 28
Moses' B-Day
Tuesday, April 27
Breaking News
Live, breaking news; Apparently I'm Fat! That's right.
"Don't you call me pudgy, portly or stout
Just now tell me once again who's fat"
You heard me, and yes I just quoted Wierd Al lyrics. Anyways this epiphany has prompted me to try to dip my toe into the pool that is healthy eating. I have played a little in the shallow end of the pool a time or two, but never stayed as pool rules don't allow you to swim until an hour after eating at the buffet. Well enough rambling, the Lunch Bus will be headed to Jason's Deli for lunch today. Don't worry about me I will not shrivel away. I'm sure I can ruin a perfectly healthy salad by piling on bacon bits, cheese, and ranch dressing. Of course to join my salad will be a nice soup probably covered with cheese. Currently I'm debating between French Onion or Loaded Baked Potato. Come join the Lunch Bus today and see what I decide.
I am posting this message early today so you can share with your healthy eating friends, so that you may bring the joy of the Lunch Bus into their lives too.
"Don't you call me pudgy, portly or stout
Just now tell me once again who's fat"
You heard me, and yes I just quoted Wierd Al lyrics. Anyways this epiphany has prompted me to try to dip my toe into the pool that is healthy eating. I have played a little in the shallow end of the pool a time or two, but never stayed as pool rules don't allow you to swim until an hour after eating at the buffet. Well enough rambling, the Lunch Bus will be headed to Jason's Deli for lunch today. Don't worry about me I will not shrivel away. I'm sure I can ruin a perfectly healthy salad by piling on bacon bits, cheese, and ranch dressing. Of course to join my salad will be a nice soup probably covered with cheese. Currently I'm debating between French Onion or Loaded Baked Potato. Come join the Lunch Bus today and see what I decide.
I am posting this message early today so you can share with your healthy eating friends, so that you may bring the joy of the Lunch Bus into their lives too.
Monday, April 26
Friday, April 23
Thursday, April 22
Fried Chicken Day at Primo's
Its Fried Chicken Day at Primo's so that sounds like a good choice to me. How you can pick Indian food over that I do not know. Anyways to each their own. Not leaving just yet, just wanted to put the plan out there. Probably will be heading out shortly after 11 as Primo's does get crowded on Fried Chicken day.
Wednesday, April 21
Have you had your Tetnus Shot?
I'm craving some good onion rings today, so Trace Grill comes to mind. The Lunch Bus is now boarding for the Log Cabin.
Tuesday, April 20
Pizza, sandwiches, soup, salad, fun for everyone! And most importantly little crunchy breadsticks!
All aboard.
All aboard.
Monday, April 19
Saturday, April 17
Friday, April 16
Lunch Bus Tease
I know I may have teased some of you with the mention of Crab Shack, but I'm pulling a switch to Kyoto's. All aboard! What you think, Volcano pic for the blog?
Also don't forget to vote on the Lunch Bus Participant name. Speak now or forever hold your peace. If you select other make a comment on one of the posts with the suggestion.
Also don't forget to vote on the Lunch Bus Participant name. Speak now or forever hold your peace. If you select other make a comment on one of the posts with the suggestion.
Thursday, April 15
Indian Express
I believe the Indian Express is running today so see Moses for details. The Lunch Bus will not be in service today as I am meeting a friend to discuss some things.
Wednesday, April 14
This one is for Duke!
Here is the molcajete for any of those who have not seen it. The fact it comes in a pig is somehow appropriate.
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Lunch Bus Excuse
You may be excused from The Lunch Bus today, but only if you need head home and pick up some golf clubs so you can go golfing with us after work.
For the rest of you, you are required to attend The Lunch Bus Luncheon at Cazadores today. Check you local Lunch Bus driver for departure times.
Also don't forget to visit the site and vote on our poll.
For the rest of you, you are required to attend The Lunch Bus Luncheon at Cazadores today. Check you local Lunch Bus driver for departure times.
Also don't forget to visit the site and vote on our poll.
Tuesday, April 13
Trek to the Log Cabin
That's right boys and girls, Today we will go on a field trip through the wilderness of Ridgeland to the famous Log Cabin home of Trace Grill.
Here is a random food link for your reading enjoyment: Machine Gun Bacon
Here is a random food link for your reading enjoyment: Machine Gun Bacon
Monday, April 12
Double Down Goodness
Andrew took the first Lunch Bus bite of a Double Down, and it was good. I was pleasantly surprised how good this thing was. James, did make a good observation that they were "generous with the oil". So take my advice and pick up a couple extra napkins when you order this.
Time to Double Down.
Its busy here at work so gotta hit KFC quickly this time. Read more why we are doing this (other than its awesome) here.
If you are meeting us we are headed to the KFC at County Line Road.
If you are meeting us we are headed to the KFC at County Line Road.
Friday, April 9
On Lock Down
Sounds like we will be dining in today. Lenny is working on getting some food brought in for Lunch, so the Lunch Bus is on Lock down today.
Thursday, April 8
Lunch Bus: Dinner Edition
Props to Richard for the Chicken.
Let's spice up the Blog entry a little. How about a caption / narration contest. It shouldn't be too hard to come up with something funny, I mean Carl is in the picture you're halfway there.
Let's spice up the Blog entry a little. How about a caption / narration contest. It shouldn't be too hard to come up with something funny, I mean Carl is in the picture you're halfway there.
Prep for the Double Down
To prepare our arteries for the Double Down on Monday, I though a Salad would be a good idea. So, The Lunch Bus will be headed to Jason's Deli today for some healthy eating.
Wednesday, April 7
Time to Protest
Those that know me know I'm fat and lazy, this typically goes for my politics too. But politicians are messing with my RIGHT to be fat and lazy. The Federal, and some state governments are looking for a way to pay for Health care and are going to start legislating what is "appropriate" food to eat via taxes. The first proposal catching momentum is a Soda Tax. Read more in the link below.
Barnesville: Soda tax and the new government health bill
I think this is unacceptable and we should protest. That is why I am planning for The Lunch Bus to go to KFC next week. Why KFC you ask? They are laughing in the face of health nuts everywhere by coming out with a new menu item, the Double Down! It will be available on Monday, and I think it is the image of opposition to the Soda Tax proposition! You can read more about it here. For those that want to support the cause, but want to still eat healthy brown bag it and make your own vegan version.
So who is with me? Mike, Duke, anybody coming in town to help support? You can always be with us in spirit by joining the cause at your own local KFC.
And if you think I jest, here is the count down on KFC's site.
Barnesville: Soda tax and the new government health bill
I think this is unacceptable and we should protest. That is why I am planning for The Lunch Bus to go to KFC next week. Why KFC you ask? They are laughing in the face of health nuts everywhere by coming out with a new menu item, the Double Down! It will be available on Monday, and I think it is the image of opposition to the Soda Tax proposition! You can read more about it here. For those that want to support the cause, but want to still eat healthy brown bag it and make your own vegan version.
So who is with me? Mike, Duke, anybody coming in town to help support? You can always be with us in spirit by joining the cause at your own local KFC.
And if you think I jest, here is the count down on KFC's site.
Bribes Accepted
Today's Lunch Bus destination is brought to you via a "Luncher's"* suggestion. We will be headed to the infamous Killing Fields, Kyoto's. Lunch Bus destination suggestions are always accepted, as are bribes which will significantly help your suggestions chances at being picked.
* What term do you think is best for describing those that participate on the Lunch Bus journeys? Lunchers, Bussers, Kyle's minion's, help me out here and throw out some ideas.
* What term do you think is best for describing those that participate on the Lunch Bus journeys? Lunchers, Bussers, Kyle's minion's, help me out here and throw out some ideas.
Tuesday, April 6
After a brutal interrogation of the enemy prisoners, we got the intel we needed. Lunch will be at Soul Shine. It only took several broken fingers and a single broken knee cap.
Monday, April 5
Molcajete Madness
Well you can all breathe a sigh of relief, the queso ransom worked and the Lunch Bus is back under my control. There are a few thoughts I would like to share from today's lunch outing.
- The Chalupa question? What exactly is a Chalupa? What you get at one Mexican restaurant is not necessarily the same thing you get from another Mexican restaurant (especially Taco Bell). What we got I was more accustomed to calling a Tostada. Is it two names for the same thing(ie Crawfish/Crawdad), or does nobody know and its a crap shoot as to what you'll get?
- The Molcajete, no matter how may times I order it, it still amazes me. Next time I'll get a picture so I can document my amazement properly to share.
- Finally there is James. He says he's gonna meet us for lunch but blows us off, he's a no show. What gives James? Is Duke jealous that we went Mexican and won't let you go? Did you not feel like Mexican, where / when do you like to eat, maybe we can accommodate. You did make a giant Faux Pas by parking in the Lunch Bus parking spot. I'll let you slide this time, but next time may result in a sinister plot against you.
- The Chalupa question? What exactly is a Chalupa? What you get at one Mexican restaurant is not necessarily the same thing you get from another Mexican restaurant (especially Taco Bell). What we got I was more accustomed to calling a Tostada. Is it two names for the same thing(ie Crawfish/Crawdad), or does nobody know and its a crap shoot as to what you'll get?
- The Molcajete, no matter how may times I order it, it still amazes me. Next time I'll get a picture so I can document my amazement properly to share.
- Finally there is James. He says he's gonna meet us for lunch but blows us off, he's a no show. What gives James? Is Duke jealous that we went Mexican and won't let you go? Did you not feel like Mexican, where / when do you like to eat, maybe we can accommodate. You did make a giant Faux Pas by parking in the Lunch Bus parking spot. I'll let you slide this time, but next time may result in a sinister plot against you.
Lunch Bus Hijacked!
As you already know my wife has hijacked The Lunch Bus. She is demanding a ransom of queso for the use of the Lunch Bus today. I normally don't give in to terrorist's demands, but its Monday so we're supposed to go Mexican anyways. So load up, err wait outside for the wife. Remember space is limited so be ready or you have to drive yourself.
Viva Cazadores!
Viva Cazadores!
Help Wanted
The Lunch Bus has been confiscated by the wife while her car is in the shop ( Oil Change / Tire Rotation, etc). Anyways volunteers for driving to lunch are being sought. The wife may join us and possible do a pickup at the office, but won't know until lunch time. Also if anyone has lunch suggestions please post comments and we'll see what people are up for today.
Friday, April 2
No Soup for Andrew
Thats right I'm calling you out for screwing with my poll. <enter joke here>. Since the poll doesn't seem to work I'm dictating a trip to Kyoto's!
Hanging Chads
The Poll has closed an Red Lobster is leading. Due to the Mutiny yesterday, a recount will now need to happen to check for hanging chads (aka people voting who are not coming to lunch). But for those coming to lunch time to load up, and watch Moses puff up like a blow fish when he sees a lobster.
Thursday, April 1
Lunch Bus Mutiny Details
So it was lunch time and I gather the troops and find my self alone. Those that had voted for Kyoto's were a no show. I was then bribed with a free lunch offer if I went Indian. What's a guy to do. All in all it was not a bad trip. Buffet is a great way to try out ethnic food so you can choose portion size or just stick with what you like. Still not one of my favorites, but tolerable on an occasional basis. Tandoori Chicken is basically a smokey flavored Hot Wing and was the basis of my plate. I then proceeded to fill up on this toasty pita-bread like stuff they had at the tables. I think I ate a whole basket of that stuff myself, go Carbs!
Fried Lice
Well the people have spoken, and it is time to go to Kyoto's for lunch. Spice Ave. made a valiant run there at the end, but didn't quite make it.
What a way to start the month off right with some Fried Lice!
The poll thing seems to work well. I will try to keep it up, and rotate some choices, may be a weekly vote, rather than daily. we'll see what works best.
What a way to start the month off right with some Fried Lice!
The poll thing seems to work well. I will try to keep it up, and rotate some choices, may be a weekly vote, rather than daily. we'll see what works best.
Wednesday, March 31
What's For Lunch?
So where do you guys' want to go for Lunch? I added a poll (on the right) to help gather votes. Do you have other suggestions, add a comment. Its your turn to decide.
You may also notice the new look to the site, as well as a way to subscribe via e-mail if RSS is not your thing.
You may also notice the new look to the site, as well as a way to subscribe via e-mail if RSS is not your thing.
The Big 3 0
In honor of Brandon's birthday today he gets to select the Lunch Bus destination. His choice is a change of pace for the Lunch Bus, Olive Garden.
We will be heading out at 11, to beat the crowd.
We will be heading out at 11, to beat the crowd.
Tuesday, March 30
Lunch Bus Contest
I want to throw a special offer out there for the Lunch Bus Followers. I will buy appetizers for the group today at lunch if someone(who goes to lunch with us) comments on this post, prior to me sending out an announcement e-mail. We'll see if anyone is watching the blog.
And now for the moment you all have been waiting on, The Lunch Bus will be going to Chili's in Madison for lunch. There will be a quick stop by the Lowe's on the way back, as I have a list of Honey Dos waiting for me at the house. We will head out shortly after 11:00 as usual.
And now for the moment you all have been waiting on, The Lunch Bus will be going to Chili's in Madison for lunch. There will be a quick stop by the Lowe's on the way back, as I have a list of Honey Dos waiting for me at the house. We will head out shortly after 11:00 as usual.
Monday, March 29
Mexican Monday
The most tried and true stop on The Lunch Bus route is Cazadores. It is a simple Mexican restaurant, but has continually offered good food, friendly and fast service, at an affordable rate.
Enough of that, time to Load up and get some Queso!
Enough of that, time to Load up and get some Queso!
Friday, March 26
Mama Hamil's
The Lunch Bus will be headed to Hamil's today. Gathering about 11:00am central, should be headed out by 11:15.
Welcome to the Lunch Bus
For some reason I have been the one to wrangle co-workers into gathering for lunch outings. Maybe this is due to the fact that I enjoy lunch "too much", if that is even possible, and I often bring up the topic "What's for Lunch" in our business meetings. Then again it might simply be because I have a crew cab Nissan Titan that is large enough to fit 5 grown (and mostly overgrown, including me) software developers.
This blog was created to help distribute the lunch bus plans each day, and may possibly even grown into a review type thing. So stayed tuned and we'll see you at lunch.
This blog was created to help distribute the lunch bus plans each day, and may possibly even grown into a review type thing. So stayed tuned and we'll see you at lunch.
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